Estás a un paso de encontrar la solución al descanso y desintoxicación

SERVICES Just a step away from healing and rest


Our naturist center cares about your health, that's why we developed a strategy based on activities and therapeutic techniques to repair and detoxify your body (Detox Retreat). This healing and restorative experience aims to promote a healthier lifestyle as its main objective.


Weight loss

The naturist diet implemented by our center aims to eliminate toxins and maintain the health of the body. However, with this healthy eating plan based on fresh and natural ingredients, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious dishes while losing weight.

Pérdida de peso

Naturist nutrition

The desintoxication through foods is one of the more relevant therapies for the well-being and health of the body. The naturist diet searches to eliminate a significant amount of toxins, excessive salts, inflammation of the digestive system, weight reduction, and other benefits.

Alimentación naturista


Our center is a resting sanctuary beyond being a desintoxication strategy, or a naturist diet, our space is created for you to relax and forget about life worries.


Alternative Therapies

PRP (plasma rico en plaquetas)

PRP (platelet-rich plasma)

Alternative therapy focused on the aesthetic treatment of the face or different areas of the body, and at the same time, on musculoskeletal rehabilitation as a complementary tool to rheumatology; its benefits range from skin aging prevention to resolving inflammatory joint issues.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a modern alternative therapy that searches to complement treatments for vascular pathologies ( in most cases). It is used in specialties such as angiology due to its anti-inflammatory benefits, analgesic, and stimulation of the reticuloendothelial system, among other effects.
Facial revitalizante

Revitalizing facial

The volcanic mud mask is a therapeutic element that aims to reduce toxins and impurities from the body, relieve muscle and joint pain, promote healing and regeneration, and provide antibacterial and antiseptic effects. It’s an ancestral technique used by various cultures.


This therapy aims to sensitize the body through the direct interaction of a magnetic field using magnets. Its benefits include strengthening the immune system, optimal blood circulation, anti-inflammatory results, among other things.
Tratamiento con células madre

Stem cell treatment

Regenerative medicine therapy is an alternative and anally for the repair and regeneration of tissues affected by various diseases that destroy our cells.
Masaje terapéutico

Therapeutic Massage

Relaxing and therapeutic massage is one of the most effective treatments for releasing muscle tension, stress, and promoting blood circulation.
Enema natural

Enema natural

This treatment aims to cleanse and eliminate all toxins from the digestive system through intentional irrigation. It aids in relieving constipation, intestinal cleansing, headaches, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Naturista montiel - Un lugar para reconectar
Naturista montiel

A place to reconnect with yourself a few minutes from Guadalajara

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